The Charter of Health Freedom
The Charter of Health Freedom is proposed legislation that gives Natural Health Products and Traditional Medicines their own Act.
The Charter protects our access to Natural Health Products and Traditional Medicines by creating separate legal category for them. Rather than being deemed as dangerous drugs under the Food and Drugs Act, under the Charter Natural Health Products and Traditional Medicines are deemed to be safe, as they are in the United States
The Charter of Health Freedom offers an appropriate, healthy, beneficial, safe and well-rooted change for regulating the natural health community. Canadians are protected by permitting unsafe products to be removed while at the same time ensuring that safe and effective treatments remain available.
How I fit in
I’ve been working with the NHPPA and The Charter of Health Freedom as their IT guy and Web Designer since 2009. My job is to keep things running securely and because we are a non-profit organization, I must keep things running with cost in mind. Our various team members work remotely and thus need support through remote control. That’s no problem and allows me to work when they’re not online working themselves.
The COHF site was Zoomla, like WordPress, its a Content Management System, but much more complex than WordPress. Now, its a modern and responsive site as of early 2022.