5 Lesser Known Musicians I`d like to be Quarantined with right now.
I don’t know how many times I’ve listed to this version. So talented are these guys. Also check out Early Grave which is one of their newer songs. Another live one here.
Dreamy, spacey and raw….. and I have a soft spot for 3 piece bands. They’re amazing on record but amzinger even live, check out this track for more.
This track could use some ambient star wars guitar sounds sprinkled on top. Mind not blown enough by this track, check out this track.
Holy Shit! Why have I never heard of these guys before now. Do yourself a favour and take a listen, my god! Metal album of the lifetime. They groove like Gojira and chug like Slayer. Read some of the comments on Youtube for the above track, hilarious. Then check out everything they’ve ever done, starting with this,.
No, not Hanson. These guys are criminally underrated and unknown. Get here by way of bands like Quicksand, Rival Schools and in this decade, Deftones. Fazer and Thorn In My Side by Quicksand for reference as Handsome only has one video.